Wednesday 25 October 2017


What an incredible day for some lucky senior school students at BMPS!

The team at Field of Dreams invited us to the Vector Wero Whitewater Park in Manukau to experience the Tamariki River.

After watching a safety video and getting fitted into our wetsuit, shoes, helmet and lifejacket - we were ready to go!
 We were shown how to sit in the boat, how to hold the paddle and what to do if we fell into the water. Then we were off!

Towards the end of the session there was an opportunity to jump into the rapids and float down the river. Woohoo!!

Room 8, I was so proud of you for challenging yourselves, for conquering your fears and for supporting each other. What an amazing experience! Thank you Wero and field of Dreams!

Sunday 22 October 2017

As part of our learning about science this term, Room 8 have started to explore electricity. 
First we shared our prior knowledge and watched a video clip about where electricity comes from. 

Then in small groups, children used the equipment provided to make the light bulb go. The first few minutes were spent planning then the groups made and tested predictions.

After some trial and error all groups managed to make their light bulb glow.

We were pretty proud of ourselves!!

Some of the things we noticed and learnt along the way...
*   Electricity flows in a closed circuit 
*   Electricity flows when metal is connected to metal
*   When there is a disconnection in the circuit the electricity stops flowing 
*   Electricity flows from the negative end of the battery and is travels to find it's way to the positive        end of the battery

Then we drew and labelled our circuits. We even did a drawing using the correct symbols. 

Some of the questions that were asked today and that we hope to research in the future were...
*   What causes static electricity?
*   Do solar panels work even if it is raining?
*   What causes a power cut?
*   Why can birds stand on the powerlines without getting  electrocuted? 

Awesome attendance in term three

Congratulations to these Room 8 students who received awards for excellent attendance in term three. 
Nice one!