Sunday 19 March 2017

Totara Park

What a wonderful week to be a BMPS kid! The seniors had a fantastic day at Polyfest on Thursday followed by an equally amazing day at Totara Park on Friday. 
A huge thank you to our wonderful parent helpers for taking good care of us!
Here are a few pics from Totara Park...

Fantail and eel spotting

Building a campfire :)

Let me think...

Making Popcorn!

Writing has been very tasty in Room 8 recently! 
We have been learning to 'explode the moment' by adding lots of detail to our writing so we can make our work more interesting for the reader. 
We observed what happened to the seeds as the Crazy Popper heated them up and spun them around. Most made it into the bowl, but there were bits that flew everywhere! 

We used our senses to help us brainstorm interesting describing words We then shared some of our ideas, and collected some new ideas from each other. 

Here are a few pieces of completed writing:

The classroom fell dead silent as we formed a circle around the vibrating machine.
"Vermmmmm!" screeched the Crazy Popper. I thought to myself "When will this torture end?" It felt like I was waiting for months or even years for a single "POP!"
The miniture popcorn seeds took ages until the first seed transformed like a beautiful flower blooming in Spring.
"Verblerbler," cried my poor stomach as my eyes permenantly stuck on to the puffy white popcorn. My mouth started watering as the scent of the of the salty, golden river of butter caught my attention. 
"BRING IT TO ME!!" I impatiently screamed. 
Finally the fluffy popcorn was ready to be devoured. I was like a starving lion waiting for it's prey. 
"Woop woop!" the bowl of popcorn finally reached me. I slowly laid out my cold hands ready to be filled with buttery popcorn.
By Jena

"Pop!" went the popcorn blasting out of the Crazy Popper like a rocket zooming into space. My mouth started watering as Miss Bedford poured the gold, liquid butter onto the popcorn.
I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into a piece of buttery popcorn.When I got my cup one third filled with popcorn in it, my mouth started watering more than before. I started munching on a piece and then another.  Piece by piece until there was nothing in my hand except greasy butter. I was so hungry it felt like the popcorn filled one tenth of my stomach and I wanted to devour more.
By Hayden

Friday 3 March 2017

Growing Dendrites

In Room 8 we have been learning about the brain and what goes on inside our head when we are learning new things. 

As you can see, here are a few students drawing diagrams.   

      We have also been doing some art around neurons using straws and dye. Here are some students having some fun creating dendrites.

Here is picture of the finished artwork .

By Gwyneth and Ellen


A few days ago Room 8 was learning to play Bananagrams. Bananagrams is when you challenge other people to make words and win by using all of your letters first. 
Room 8 challenged each other to see who would win because if you use most of your words and your teacher tells to pack up then who ever used most of their little pieces they become the champions.  

Micheal, David, Ardyn and Samantha were the first champions of 2017.

Bananagrams was fun because it was a challenge.

By Augustina and David