Thursday 23 February 2017

Thumbs up for Thursday!!

We LOVE Thursdays!

We start the day with swimming....

Then head back to school for cricket...

Do some creative writing (Today we were learning how similes can add interest to our writing)... 

Then electives (here is the R8 electives creating code to progamme computers).

What a great day!

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Our Wonderful Brains!

This week Room 8 have been learning about the parts of our brain.

We learnt that the cerebral cortex (the outer wrinkly part) is made up of 4 main lobes that control different things.

We know that if our brains are damaged then certain functions like our speech, personality, and our ability to problem solve etc can be impaired. This is why we need to protect our wonderful brains by wearing a helmet when riding a bike!

Here we are hard at work researching and discussing with a buddy.

Saturday 18 February 2017

We grew kumara!

At the end of last year the children in Room 8 planted kumara plants which we had sprouted from an actual kumara.

The plants grew well and at the beginning of  the term we had a dig around to see if there was anything under the ground. It was like digging for treasure!

Look what we found....  ðŸ˜Š


Wednesday 1 February 2017

Welcome to 2017!

Today was the first school day for 2017! It was lovely to be greeted by so many smiling  faces and to hear about the adventures Room 8 students had during the holidays.

A highlight today was our team building challenge. We were learning to show respect to our team mates, to ensure everyone was participating/having their ideas heard and to encourage each other.
It was fantastic to see the concentration, teamwork and hear the cheers as groups successfully completed their challenges.