Sunday 30 October 2016

Yay! New plants!

 Room 8 finally updated our indoor classroom garden thanks to Tarita and Adam who did a great job planting these flower seedlings. It's always exciting to have plants growing in our classroom and to notice how they grow and change. We hope to have lots of flowers before the school holidays!

Saturday 29 October 2016

Beginning our bokashi bin!

Last term Mrs Mcaree asked  Room 8 for some help. She had started a homemade bokashi bin and had filled it up with food scraps but wasn't quite sure if she had done it right. She wanted us to give it a go and see what success we had so she gifted our class with our very own bokshi bin.

If you aren't sure what a bokashi bin is and how it works, this video clip explains it nicely:

After lots of research and discussion, this week we finally got the bokashi bin up and running!
 Augustina is going to monitor the bin. She will need to squash the food down occasionally, empty out the liquid and sprinkle on more bran. It is already filling up quite nicely with scraps from our lunches. We look forward to updating you (and Mrs Mcaree!) on our progress.

The bokashi bin is going to decrease the amount of rubbish going to landfill and the great thing is the compost will be great for our garden! It also makes a nice addition to the recycling system we have up and running in Room 8. Pop in and visit us so we can show you what we have been doing!