Saturday 17 February 2018

Welcome to 2018!

Welcome back to school! What a great year it is going to be.

In Room 8 we have been busy getting to know each other and setting up our classroom routines.

We have been learning about the qualities that make a great learner and the types of strategies, skills and attitudes we will need to have a successful year of learning.

Room 8 were given a challenge - to recreate a paper sculpture without touching it. It was a tricky task! Some people said "It's too hard!" "I can't do it!" "This is impossible." Only one person managed to complete the challenge and a few gave up altogether.

They were then given a second go - this time they were allowed to touch the model, talk to and help each other, and they were allowed to come and ask the teacher for help if they wished. By trying it a different way and taking action to help themselves, everyone had success and was able to complete the challenge.

This activity reminded us that learning is not always easy and that you feel even more proud of yourself when you master something that was challenging.
We learned the importance of a positive attitude and using a range of strategies to help us if we are stuck in what we call the 'Learning Pit'.

We know that being in the Learning Pit is a good thing, because challenges are good for our brain and that is where the best learning happens!

These are the top 6 qualities that Room 8 decided are needed to be an amazing learner:
We look forward to a fantastic year of learning in Room 8!


  1. I look forward as well.

  2. I look for to everything this year 2018
