Saturday 17 February 2018

Creativity and Innovation

This term's learning pathway is 'Creativity and Innovation'.

We started off this topic with some creative painting.

Each person was given a letter to make using masking tape on a piece of blank paper. They were given a range of paints to use to decorate their letter with one catch - they weren't allowed to use paint brushes.

Some children collected sticks, rocks, feathers. Some used their fingers.

It was lots of messy, creative, innovative fun :)

This was our end result...


  1. I had so much fun. It was very messy.

  2. I had so much FUN I was so lucky that I got to do two.

  3. Everyones art was BEAUTIFUL,LOVELY,WONDERFUL just amazing

  4. It was awesome.

  5. What a great display. I particularly like that you were all involved-what great co-operation and sharing too :)

  6. hi miss bedford this is snaps from papint school i didnt get to say goodbye to my class/you`
    i miss you miss bedford

    love sinapi

  7. Hi miss bedford i really like your art beautiful creativity room 8 this is sinapi from papint school i just wanna say i miss you's especially miss bedford.
