Saturday 17 February 2018

Coding in the classroom and Makey Makey fun!

As part of our learning pathways learning, Room 8 are busy working on a project which will be shared at our school wide 'Innovation and Creativity Expo' towards the end of the term.

A big part of our learning is centred around coding. Coding is when you give a computer a series of commands which it follows. Coding is what computer programmers use to create software. To write our code we use a great website called Scratch.

In this lesson we were learning to use the arrow keys and sound blocks to programme our computers to play a range of instrument sounds. 

Once we had mastered this we made things even more fun by adding a Makey Makey. 
A Makey Makey is a way of turning anything into buttons that control your computer. We swapped the arrow keys for playdough. This is what our learning looked like!

Here is Caitlin and Sulyne experimenting with using their bodies as conductors to control the sound

We are excited to share more of this learning with you at our expo


  1. I had so much fun! I love scratch.

  2. nice art work looks cool but it looks better in real life. I had so much fun doing all of this. cant wait to do more

  3. rm 8 is the best class of 2018!!!

  4. I had so much fun i wish I could do it again!!

    1. This makey makey thingy miggy was awesome using it to get along with our buddies I hope in the future we do more of this amazing work!!!!!!!!!! pleasssssseee!

  5. Doing the makey makeys were fun cause everyone was having fun and everyone had a turn at playing with the makey makey.

    1. making the makey makeys were so much fun <3

  6. Hi buddies!
    You guys are tooooo clever! Looking forward to seeng you coding at work at the expo.
    <3 Miss Baird

  7. If I can and visit, will you teach me please? I would love to learn about makey makey. It looks like the best kind of learning :)

  8. If I can and visit, will you teach me please? I would love to learn about makey makey. It looks like the best kind of learning :)
