Tuesday 13 March 2018

Green Fingers!

Room 8 were excited to pull on gardening gloves and get into the garden last week.

Things had gone a bit crazy in the garden during the school holidays and our mission was to tame the jungle.

There was some great team work as we struggled to pull out some huge plants...
We made some interesting discoveries....

It was great to take our learning outside. We made interesting observations about a range of bugs we came across, discussed the root systems of plants and how weeds impact a garden. We talked about composting and also about turning the soil and letting it rest before we plant some seedlings later this week.

We will keep you updated on our progress.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Room 8-you have done an amazing job at taming our BMPS jungle. I bet there were some lovely bugs and birds enjoying it while it was untamed!

    I am looking forward to seeing what you plant and learning from you-what you should plant when :)
