Monday 19 March 2018

Descriptive Writing - Plastic in the ocean.

Room 8 have been learning to use a variety of language features to add detail to our writing. Some of the things we have explored so far are similes and metaphors, onomatopoeia, adjectives, powerful verbs and the importance of a strong 'hook'.

We know that our words have the power to create pictures in our readers mind.

We watched a shocking video clip about the horrible plastic floating around the Bali and we wrote a descriptive piece of writing from the divers perspective.

Here are a few of the many lovely examples of writing.

A roof of plastic hovered over my body as I drifted through the torture. "They don't have a choice do they?" I thought to myself. Ghosts of rubbish drifted into my face as I kicked my way through murky water which the sea creatures have to live in. 

In this situation I would have usually cleaned the sea but this disaster doesn't end just now and not here. Plastic bags floated and bobbed up and down just like jelly-fish. My face started to heat up and turn red. Eyes bulging, head spinning and stomach rumbling with disgust. I saw a needy sting-ray alone probably looking for REAL food to eat.

As I made my way through the filthy rubbish a medium sized chip packet brushed my face then strayed into my hand. Suddenly a little spider of guilt crawled down my spine. As the journey ended, my heart hammered against my chest begging me to do something. 

As I packed away my stuff I was texting a few people to meet me down at the beach. It's about time this scenario changed.
By Caitlin

5 years ago I fell in love with this ocean...I had finally got to my destination and then my eyes gazed around. I smiled then it changed to a frown. Tears dripped down my cheeks. I didn't have anything to say. I was disgusted and disappointed. I jumped in the water as slowly as a grandma crossing the road.

As I entered the water I felt the seaweed crawling around me like cockroaches. I looked left, I looked right. I said to myself "I should have a better look." My body started to get goose bumps as I dodged the rubbish. Pollution is common in the country. I saw plastic bags drifting through the murky water and broken down bits of rubbish.

Darkness surrounded me and rubbish hovered on top of me like a helicopter looking for me. 

How can these marine animals live?
By Ali

A ceiling full of plastic covered my shivering body as I swam around the filthy, murky water. I saw rubbish flying onto my skin like bullets heading directly for its target.

Plastic bags, chip packets, and lolly wrappers is what I saw. I gazed at the giganticness. I could feel the insides of my body getting ready to vomit. My stomach flipped, tossed and turned as I glanced back at the disgusting pile of rubbish. 

I wondered why people would do that to the ocean. 80% of the air that we breathe is made from the sea. If they dump a pile of rubbish into the ocean, that means we are inhaling half of the rubbish that sits in the sea.

The sting-ray glided through the water as the rubbish merged into a group and slowly drifted towards it.
I felt so gutted by what people would do to the ocean.
By Hazyl

1 comment:

  1. I love and hate your writing. Firstly it is so descriptive and creates such strong mind pictures but on the other hand it makes me sad and angry to know that humans are causing so much damage.

    Great job in highlighting such a terrible problem.

    Keep it up. I look forward to reading more.
    Miss Peters and Room 11
